Authorisation in a sentence as a noun

Arresting the guy is fine, he was in an airport without authorisation.

The trick is that with this knowledge you can pay money in to an account, but you can't get it out - for that you need authorisation.

Is there some kind of real-time authorisation step so that they can disable the transformation or change it?

That is the best implementation of authorisation I've seen in any mobile app, period.

Presumably entry with intent to stay beyond the limits of one's authorisation is unlawful and would normally meet with deporting?

Thus, anyone watching a DVD on Linux is circumventing an effective rights protection measure without authorisation.

While OAuth2 is often used for authenticating against other services, it is designed about authorisation, the ability to give other sites the ability to see info from your email account.

As uptown said, providing valid credit card information creates an authorisation for a merchant to charge to you, if your card expires after that authorisation has already been created you can still be charged and that charge will still be approved by your credit card provider.

I am all for the interconnected web, and making it easier for me to introduce my friends to new content across it, however it has to be done on my terms, it has to require explicit authorisation and must never do something automatically without my consent.

The islamic revolution occurred in Iran as a direct result of the hostile actions of the CIA, who in 1953 overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran and installed the Shah as an absolute monarch, with full authorisation from Eisenhower and Churchill.

Authorisation definitions


a document giving an official instruction or command

See also: mandate authorization


the power or right to give orders or make decisions; "he has the authority to issue warrants"; "deputies are given authorization to make arrests"; "a place of potency in the state"

See also: authority authorization potency dominance say-so


official permission or approval; "authority for the program was renewed several times"

See also: authority authorization sanction


the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant

See also: authorization empowerment