Empowerment in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps, but the empowerment that languages like Clojure give to individual contributors can be a game changer.

I think the dichotomy between perceived empowerment and actual empowerment is interesting.

Well another minority might view strip teases as an act of empowerment and self expression, and be made alienated and uncomfortable by your sex-negative viewpoint.

It's easy to blame government bureaucracy but the real problem is the combination of lack of empowerment and policy which discourages hiring qualified staff in-house.

This is about personal self confidence and empowerment.\nIf you stop looking for gender obstacles you will probably see other aspects of your situation with new clarityAgain, this is a great technique.

It's like economists don't understand that there are people who can create utility at an exponential, amplified, perfectly scaling rate and their only limit is their self-determination and the empowerment of their chosen language.

Mislabeled by some detractors as socialist or radical in the Marxist tradition, San Francisco’s progressivism is concerned with consumption more than production, residence more than workplace, meaning more than materialism, community empowerment more than class struggle.

Empowerment definitions


the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant

See also: authorization authorisation