Attraction in a sentence as a noun

"I find no attraction to reductionism of any kind.

It's probably doing it by sheer gravitational attraction at this point.

A factor I think the article doesn't point out clearly enough is how the main attraction of dissing code is that it serves as an ego-defense mechanism.

Surfacing good links is part of the attraction of HN. Taking away the karma benefit for link sharing would lessen the incentive to share articles that don't actually need any discussion.

Particularly in neighborhoods like mine that are restaurant and bar districts, where a large part of the attraction of the location is the ability to stumble home directly from an innumerable number of bars.

One place to start would be the Schiehallion Experiment of 1774 where a symmetric and isolated mountain in Scotland was used as the basis of an experiment to measure how much the gravitational attraction of the mountain pulled a pendulum away from the vertical.

As sperm travels in this coated tube, the ionic attraction causes damage on a cellular level in the sperm, the pull effect effectively destroying the sperm "tail" and preventing it from fertilizing a female but without hormonal/medical methods!For me, as an engineer, this was a true revelation.

Attraction definitions


the force by which one object attracts another


an entertainment that is offered to the public


the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts; "her personality held a strange attraction for him"

See also: attractiveness


a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts; "flowers are an attractor for bees"

See also: attractor attracter magnet


an entertainer who attracts large audiences; "he was the biggest drawing card they had"

See also: draw attractor attracter