Attractiveness in a sentence as a noun

Even more so, it is the sexual attractiveness of the guys who are watching.

" Try asking young ladies of your acquaintance to rate the attractiveness of two friends with those occupations.

Physical appraisals of another person's attractiveness do not belong in the work place.

I have the extremely dubious honour of having had my profile featured on there once as being of "average attractiveness".

And leering is different than looking -- nobody is saying that you aren't allowed to notice the attractiveness of a woman.

Fostering this culture and attitude just collectively serves to push down everyone's pay rate and detracts from the attractiveness of our field.

If you want to ascend to elite-level hackerdom, then you almost have to put things like attractiveness and popularity on the back burner.

If the fellow who introduced Rebecca had implied that her attractiveness was her only useful quality, I would be more sympathetic to Dan's complaint.

Are men commonly characterized by their physical attractiveness and marital status?

"The attractiveness of logic programming, when it was first launched, was that it had a ready-made declarative reading, which was expected to make a big difference for programming.

The assumption is that women selected for attractiveness are, on average, less intelligent than women selected for intelligence.

When I first found HN, I conducted an experiment: Along with ordinary attempt-to-contribute comments, I made a couple of content-free remarks whose only attractiveness was the shared premise that "startups are awesome".

Attractiveness definitions


the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts; "her personality held a strange attraction for him"

See also: attraction


sexual allure