Astronomic in a sentence as an adjective

It's in Paris, and the cost of living there is astronomic. Thanks but no thanks.

Cancer rates would still be astronomic for anyone exposed to the fallout. worse, perhaps.

Look at the LHC or major astronomic observatories - it's not like they fix a big existential problem for most people for the time being. Where do you work?

The holdback is the astronomic barrier of entry. Stripe managed to partially fix the system for one country.

I'm confused how everyone seem to think he was "credited" with the astronomic sum. If you read the statement you can clearly see a negative sign in front of the number.

Pithy maxims such as 'suffer', 'terrible', 'biggest crime since MS-DOS', and astronomic dollar amounts aren't helping. Can we try to put an end to this hyperbole?

Purchase uber-expensive mansion and set up an astronomic mortgage payment/month. 2.

It's a beautiful image having the quality of capturing an astronomic event over time. Could it perhaps be used to tell us something about the solar system?

Box comes from a very different situation from the astronomic growth and beast that was pre-IPO FB. Realize they've raised at least $414M that has been reported. At many of those rounds it was likely possible for founders/ early employees to cash out options.

> How do you get out of flat-earth on your own, without re-living centuries of astronomic research? How do you get out of moonlanding negationism, without personally examining all the retrieved moon rocks?

How do you get out of flat-earth on your own, without re-living centuries of astronomic research? How do you get out of moonlanding negationism, without personally examining all the retrieved moon rocks?

Whatever the odds are, they are decidedly non-astronomic, and therefore should be taken seriously.

When I read phrases such as: "As technology has boosted productivity into astronomic levels, we have not seen any shortening of the workweek or even a relaxing of the lunch break in fact we have seen just the opposite." Of course not, the technology enables our work to be magnified.

There can be solar and other astronomic events which cause satellites to become unavailable. The GPS system became available to the public because of political decisions, it could be come unavailable for those reasons as well.

There are also great engineers which are capable of dealing with the astronomic complexity of a large project and it turns out that people pay a lot more money for software that solves problems that they can't otherwise solve. If there is a simple solution that satisfies the requirements and beats the competition, then more power to you.

The other thing is the quite astronomic payout cap at $100 which means any hobbyist has to sell $400 ore more, depending on taxes before he see any of his efforts compensated. This further shows that Valve was not interested in amateurs but this was all about professionalizing the modding scene to a few contributors.

What I'm saying is that the amounts of cash held by - and available to - these companies is so eye-poppingly astronomic that even an twelve digit settlement - which the law may allow - is nowhere near enough to bankrupt them.

Astronomic definitions


relating or belonging to the science of astronomy; "astronomic telescope"

See also: astronomical


inconceivably large

See also: astronomical galactic