Gonad in a sentence as a noun

Yes - using our gonad rune, semsig or ;~.

Out here in Urbit world we are just dumb country peasants and all we got is gonads.

If it does turn out to be an attack, the perpetrator must be extremely well endowed in the gonad department.

**** I'm a programming veteran and Ruby veteran and I want to metaphorically punch you in the gonads for that line of code.

If you are a sophisticated professor type and understand monads, gonads may seem real familiar to you.

One does not need to know the difference between a monad and a gonad to "get it".My overall comment: Complexity: when required; otherwise, choose simple.

Never mind the thermodynamic equilibria of the various enzymes involved, the hormonal regulation of the adrenals and gonads, etc, etc.

On the other hand, "Kind" comes from Proto-Germanic kinþa, which comes from a Proto-Indo-European stem ǵenh₁- meaning "to produce, to give birth", whence also "genesis", "genealogy" and "gonad".German definitely did not cause those curious plurals.

Gonad definitions


a gland in which gametes (sex cells) are produced