Approving in a sentence as a noun

It still doesn't look like Apple is approving apps that send *coins

Ok, let me be the first approving top level comment: This document is correct.

If they were an example themselves then it might be easier to convince people about approving a law like this one.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm actually glad they wanted to verify that your app worked as advertised before approving it.

In effect, it offers all the security benefits of the App Store, except for the process of approving apps by Apple.

They effectively shut out online poker transactions by not approving the poker sites as merchants.

Approving in a sentence as an adjective

Or a crowdfunding of a Kickstarter project that pays out on milestones, based on the majority of the backers approving the next payment.

The\n role of the DEA in approving a Schedule I license was solely\n to ascertain that the drug could be secured from theft and\n distributed in accordance with the research protocol.

This is because this system contains powerful disincentives for approving anything other than comments that will universally be viewed as high quality.

"[62] At that time, she had acknowledged attending meetings to discuss the CIA interrogations, but she claimed that she could not recall the details, and she "omitted her direct role in approving the programme in her written statement to the committee.

She happily sat there approving the recommendations even though the recommendations were absolutely outside of anything we'd ever generated in the past, and bled accounts dry in one evening, so sometimes even with a human observing you're still boned.

Approving definitions


the formal act of approving; "he gave the project his blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any sensible person"

See also: blessing approval


expressing or manifesting praise or approval; "approbative criticism"; "an affirmative nod"

See also: affirmative approbative approbatory plausive