Approval in a sentence as a noun

Care about people's approval and you will be their prisoner.

Beverages are an easy thing for the bean-counters to get approval to cut, so when times get tough, they get cut first.

I thought this bit was great:I will not put my face and my “stamp of approval” on something where this is even a question.

I left a "this isn't true" comment on the original thread but I think the comment will need moderator approval.

You need purchasing managers and CEO approval and competitive bids and paperwork.

You retain virtually complete control of the timing and terms of your future funding choices without needing investor approval to make the choices as you like.

One of my friends worked on an iPhone app on his own free time, and when he tried to get approval, it was held up for months because people were arguing over things like color schemes, and which group should own the app.

Under the Federal Records Act of 1950, all federal agencies are required to obtain advance approval from the national Archives for any proposed record disposition plans.

They didn't warn users that this change was coming, or get their approval in advance.- Facebook represented that third-party apps that users' installed would have access only to user information that they needed to operate.

The consequences are obvious and stark - a political system with single-digit approval ratings, where nobody feels represented and nobody feels responsible.

The Australian government is getting better in this regard[1], they now have an open tender website but I believe it still requires some form of accreditation that has a person in a department standing between application and approval.

I don't think he's saying "trust us", he's saying "this is an issue that everyone knows about, thus it's a non-issue".When you submit a drug for approval at the FDA, you need to list in exacting detail exactly how trials were run, including how they were blinded.

This sort of trade-off is not worth it for all companies but, for those that dream to do significant scaling and that need to have doors opened to future VC investors, the YC stamp of approval and the YC resources offer value that is not easily found elsewhere.

It also means you create tax risks and complications: if the equity round is too near the time of formation, the $.0001/sh pricing used by founders for their shares may look funny next to the much higher amount per share paid by investors, raising risks that the founders can be deemed to have received their shares at the higher valuation as potentially taxable service income; once you do an equity round, you will need to do 409A valuations in connection with doing option grants and that necessitates getting outside independent appraisals; equity rounds come with strings, including investor preferences, investor protective provisions limiting what you can do as a founder without investor approval, co-sale and first refusal rights favoring investors and concomitantly limiting founders, board seats and/or observer rights for investors, and the like.

Approval definitions


the formal act of approving; "he gave the project his blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any sensible person"

See also: blessing approving


a feeling of liking something or someone good; "although she fussed at them, she secretly viewed all her children with approval"


acceptance as satisfactory; "he bought it on approval"


a message expressing a favorable opinion; "words of approval seldom passed his lips"

See also: commendation