Sanitarium in a sentence as a noun

Step 1: open The office windows, as was done in TB sanitariums.

It's funny you have no clue that the state used to run Tuberculosis sanitariums.

I'm glad we moved away from sanitariums but I think we all agree we haven't come close to anything even good yet.

New York had a sanitarium where they sent people with infectious diseases unless they had a physician to vouch for their care.

"According to the Dansville Historical Society, Jackson would create and use this cereal in his sanitarium in Dansville NY."Well, did he or didn't he?

"In this scheme, the innocent HN reader plays Hans Castorp, the young German engineer, and the day you spend puzzling over the abstruse and impenetrable arguments within the sanitarium of the blog will pass by in what seems like an instant.

" into the jailhouse you go, it is much harder to walk up to say "you have unresolved anger management issues with an inability to control those impulses with respect to your fellow humans, into the sanitarium you go.

Give people enough motivation by torture that they would force their immune system to attack the flu that much harder?Middle class people used to be sent to sanitariums when they locked themselves in rooms and stopped bathing - to rest out in a peaceful environment, in some fresh mountain/desert/forest air. Working people got sent to sanatoriums with cinder-block walls, and only after they actually fell physically sick.

Sanitarium definitions


a hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases

See also: sanatorium sanatarium