Anise in a sentence as a noun

In the evening I often have some green tea, either plain green or jasmine or with star anise.

I find tarragon to be reminiscent of anise as well.

Myristicin is also part of anise, dill, carrot, fennel and black pepper.

I typically hate licorice but love anise pizzelles.

Cinnamon, cardamon, cloves, nutmeg and star anise are undoubtedly spices.

Sambuca's an eighty proof, anise-flavored liquor that's often used to make "caffè corretto.

How about: Ingredients 1 1/2 liters simple syrup 1 tbsp mother of vinegar 3 cups white flour 2 large salmon eggs 2 1/2 oz. american cheese 1 1/2 tbsp star anise 1 oz. pork chops 7 cups chicken breast 9 cups kiwifruit juice 3/4 cups water

Not GP but sharing the distaste for liquorice, and it extends to fennel and anise, though I can stomach the latter in small quantities as it has other flavor things going on.

No cinnamon, cardamon, cloves, nutmeg, star anise are ingredients common to every spice rack and every grocery store's spice aisle in the English speaking world.

Anise definitions


native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery


liquorice-flavored seeds, used medicinally and in cooking and liquors

See also: aniseed