Aniseed in a sentence as a noun

If everyone only wants to hire 'the best', the jobs market will soon end up the way of the metaphorical bowl of jellybeans: only the aniseed ones left, which nobody wants to eat. Why not employ people who aren't what you want yet, and, here's a thought: train them up!

Yes, the superhero culture was definitely much better before, in the olden days whenGreed was abhorred, it was taboo to snatchRadish tops, aniseed, or parsley before your elders,Or to nibble kickshaws and giggle and twine one's feet.

Proper Noun Examples for Aniseed

"He ran a thumb between Clara's lips ... Of honey and sweet warm milk.” “Aniseed?” “If you like aniseed it will..."There's nothing else relevant except your comment on google or Bing.

Aniseed definitions


liquorice-flavored seeds, used medicinally and in cooking and liquors

See also: anise