Ancestor in a sentence as a noun

So I, for one, got a little benefit from the ancestor post.

Few parts of his name are direct reference to his ancestors and the villages they come from.

Allowing one yard per person, we arrive at the ancestor we share with chimpanzees in under 300 miles.

What's amazing here is that even Government passports don't force revealing names of ancestors like they do.

These fewer male lineages are more sensitive to drift and would most likely coalesce on a more recent common ancestor.

It's not a mainstream position in linguistics that Sanskrit is a direct ancestor language of Latin.

The ancestor is standing well to the east of Mount Kenya, and holding in her hand an entire chain of her lineal descendants, culminating in you standing on the Somali beach.

" Eventually, these ancestors became gods and their accomplishments are magnified to supernatural levels of achievement.

Ancestor definitions


someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

See also: ascendant ascendent antecedent root