Ascendant in a sentence as a noun

Now low-fat is ascendant, and packaged foods trumpet "Low Fat!

The culture of testing and good code is on the ascendant again in many quarters.

"Is this Apple ascendant to fill the power vacuum as Microsoft crumbles?

Webkit is ascendant, and IE persists in being difficult for developers.

Doubly so if the framework you are using turns out to be ascendant regionally or globally.

Ascendant in a sentence as an adjective

The mafia state -- almost exactly as depicted in the common cyberpunk setting -- looks like the ascendant future.

Swift is designed to make many common C and Objective-C errors less likely, but at least one class of bugs could be ascendant: off-by-one errors in ranges.

Thinking of pg's What People Can't Say essay here, since the computer illiterate are still in charge of most things, while simultaneously the computer literate are now ascendant.

Somewhere in the Amazon jungle there's a tribesman, wearing a vine-fiber thong, who's taking a break to looking up at an airplane flying overhead, and then getting back to hording all the bone-hammers, and plotting how to sabotage that ascendant hunter who everyone is starting to like so much.

Ascendant definitions


position or state of being dominant or in control; "that idea was in the ascendant"

See also: ascendent


someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

See also: ancestor ascendent antecedent root


tending or directed upward; "rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage"- John Ruskin

See also: ascendent ascensive


most powerful or important or influential; "the economically ascendant class"; "D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe"

See also: ascendent dominating