Analogue in a sentence as a noun

* Added listenToOnce as the analogue of once.

It's the comment thread of analogue of the tendency of indignation-inducing stories to rise to the top of the frontpage.

Writing 35-character headlines for the analogue service was some of the best journalism training anybody could have.

It's antiquated analogue 70's tech obviously, but it's also both believable and impressive.

Analogue in a sentence as an adjective

I think it could be argued that the Resistance is a historical analogue to contemporary hackers/hacktivists engaged in cyber attacks during a state of war.

Or is there some amount of crossover between inventing the future and merely playing around?Instead the top comment is the forum analogue of a fluff post: a cynical dismissal based on some presumed bad intention on the writer's part.

A good analogue would be to make a beat-em up arcade cabinet that let you start out for nothing, but when you inevitably get KO'd, you have to feed it a few tokens for the privilege of continuing before the 15 second countdown elapses and you have to start from the beginning.

Analogue definitions


something having the property of being analogous to something else

See also: analog parallel


of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier"

See also: analog linear