Amelioration in a sentence as a noun

When it comes to Federal charges, the prospect of amelioration is grim.

You could finance amelioration out of a specific percentage of that tax.

As long as emissions continue at something near current levels, you have to spend it on amelioration.

Just give it back equally, and finance amelioration out of general revenue.

Even so, they'll benefit more than others, but I don't think that's a problem.> Also, you can't just give it all back. As long as emissions continue at something near current levels, you have to spend it on amelioration.

Progress implies amelioration; but man is always the same, facing a situation which is always changing, and choice remains always a choice in the situation.

" Sometimes feelings run too deep to switch into a Kanban philosophy where life is a constant process of potential and realized amelioration.

I don't believe there's a fundamental difficulty in amelioration the problem of parallax.

That seems worth researching a potential amelioration for, right?Maybe you're missing that this is a pilot-stage experiment that only involved 40 children?

You can get chicken pox when you're old, too, and in fact it's particularly deadly to the elderly, but there's not much place in aging amelioration for anti-chicken-pox research.

Not arguing your main point, but going on a tangent: One wouldn't need to "seriously throttle down the world economy" to achieve significant amelioration of pollution.

So advertisements deplete dignity, with no recompense or amelioration?

But if all you've got are incremental amelioration and escalation mechanisms, you need to use those very carefully to avoid training-up even worse malevolence.

Fortunately, I can still derive massive entertainment value and/or some form of personal or professional amelioration from their creativity.

Thousands of volumes have been written to record the acts of governments; the most trifling amelioration due to law has been recorded; its good effects have been exaggerated, its bad effects passed by in silence.

Optimal eating is associated with increased life expectancy, dramatic reduction in lifetime risk of all chronic disease, and amelioration of gene expression.

A few cherry-picked studies funded by pharmaceutical companies seem to show that there might be some short term amelioration of your symptoms. We have no idea how it works, but that's not surprising, as we have no idea why you have your disorder, or what it is other than a particular constellation of symptoms. We won't find out in the near future, because there's really no money being invested in finding out the ultimate causes for mental illness or in studying the long term effects of these treatments.

The only way to overcome a confrontation with the US government is to get a newer bill signed into law, at which point you can protect other people from the same adversity but the government will pretend the past never happened and you won't get any kind of amelioration of already-wronged wrongs.

Amelioration definitions


the act of relieving ills and changing for the better

See also: melioration betterment