Alumina in a sentence as a noun

And just dump the alumina result out the tailpipe - its just ceramic dust.

There are so many more parts to making an LED, too. First you need the wafer that it's grown on - either silicon carbide or alumina.

Glass is a kind of solid which can be made of virtually any substance, including water, steel, and alumina.

The aluminum is turned back into alumina by the reaction.

Aluminum is converted to alumina via the reaction and they need to be resmelted, just like the first time.

Indeed, I've tried alumina, but any other powder materials should work.

You mean the alumina ejection will be a manual procedure performed by the car's owner or mechanic, right?

Alcoa runs a car on an aluminum=>alumina metal-air battery!

In the past few years, the abrasives industry was lack of effective projects in the design of brown fused alumina smelting furnace dust pelletizing system.

Neither is alumina; alumina is a compound of two elements, aluminum and oxygen.

One of the major parts of an alumina refinery is what's called a calciner, which heats the produced alumina to drive off the chemically-bound water from the product.

As a result, when a chunk of aluminum is broken off of a larger piece, the material almost immediately forms a protective layer of alumina.

In fact, good luck using aluminum without a coating of alumina... it naturally occurs on the surface of atmospherically exposed aluminum.

Aluminum certainly corrodes, but it corrodes into aluminum oxide, or alumina, which is actually a ceramic that is stronger than aluminum.

Those should be cut off prior to recycling.------Side note - It is incredibly energy intensive to mine bauxite, refine it through an electrolysis process into alumina, and finally alloying it into your preferred type of aluminum.

Alumina definitions


any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum