Alluvium in a sentence as a noun

It's still pretty magical to see an actual picture of actual alluvium on the surface.

Sure, it's silt and alluvium, and bedrock is a long ways down, but Houston has similar geology upon which skyscrapers have been built.

It's just that they presently don't have any outlet to the sea in the Great Basin so alluvium has collected as the fault-block mountains created by spreading erode.

> Clearly you can... Let's see:One involves carving a 150km tunnel through a granite massif which is the Alps in a scale that never before was done in history of mankind, the other involves drilling a tunnel through alluvium and sedimentary deposits pretty much like any medium-scale tunneling work.

Alluvium definitions


clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down

See also: alluvion