Legato in a sentence as an adjective

For example, you would play a Bach piece with a lighter touch and less legato than you would a Beethoven piece with the same notes.

Look up any neoclassical shred guitar book and they should have some guitar acrobatic exercise on legato.

I really recommend doing legato exercises to strengthen the fretting-hand.

The note, whether it was sharp or flat, the fingering to play it on my horn, the meter, the tempo, whether to play staccato or legato, fortissimo or piano, etc.

Legato in a sentence as an adverb

It has intricate rhythm and harmony, staccato paragraphs and legato headers that blend into a melody of enlightened web design.

I've had piano instructors try to tell me what legato is, but it's so much faster and simpler to just watch a good piano player do it, and I'll just pretend to do it too until it sounds right.

For example, some violin solos are interpreted in a super precise mathematical way when someone else might pour on the legato sugar when the transcript allows for it.

My first introduction to legato-based guitar playing was Allan Holdsworth, who used to play these beautiful monstrous never-ending buttery lines with luscious and unusual chords in harmony.

Legato definitions


(music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected; "a legato passage"

See also: smooth


connecting the notes; in music; "play this legato, please"