Silt in a sentence as a noun

Yes, there is sand and silt under parts of SF.

Presently, under the silt, I came on the wreck of a Palace such as a King had built.

A year ago I would have said French Press, but I grew tired of the 'silt' at the bottom of the cup.

So beneath the ice but above the mud, silt, and rock so no tunneling problems.

Arriving on Mars and creating the right mix of sand, silt, and clay is easy enough.

I would love to know how the engineers who build the new vessel fixed the silt issue.

This would cause massive amounts of silt to cloud the water which would **** a lot of the fish/fauna.

When the silted one is empty at low tide, use the water from the other pools to wash the silt out.

Good luck boring subways, tunnels, and right-of-ways through mountains, sand dunes, and silt!

Silt in a sentence as a verb

It's still somewhere under the silt near Tybee island, biding its time.

One big problem is that the SF bay is shallow and there's a lot of silt built up in the areas where startups would want stops.

Salts, silt, organic matter, and small bits of trash all weaken the concrete to some, greater or lesser, extent.

Now I understand why the "Yellow River" is called that, even though when I have seen it directly the silt in the river made it look brown to my eyes, not yellow.

How about we just let the Mississippi take its natural course now that the area it flows through is filled with silt and will continually cause flooding because of this.

Old thoughts and static 'knowledge' pile up real fast and silt the stream of thinking...> Michael Jordan sweats, makes serious expressionsreminds me of malcolm gladwell, somehow ...

You might lose the top 50cm of dirt cover, and if you illuminate with lightpipes, your lightpipes will fill with silt and other mud; but you should be able to keep your subterranean house well enough sealed that the water itself won’t be a problem.

"The aging x86 architecture is beset by layers of architectural silt accreted from a succession of additions to the instruction set... Because of this excess baggage, an x86 chip needs more transistors than its ARM-based equivalent"I wish people would stop saying this.

Silt definitions


mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake


become chocked with silt; "The river silted up"