Alike in a sentence as an adjective

All the chickens are just alike, and all the men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored.

Thousands of tiny icons, all alike. Stackoverflow seems to me to be a giant case of post hoc ergo propter hoc."

"In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." -- Anatole France

All business are alike. Don't think that advice to an accounting firm is inapplicable to you.

But their travel logs shred, I repeat, shred Broder's credibility and claims alike. It really does look like he was ****-bent on ripping Tesla a new one in his review.

Youth geeks are just discovering that corporations are all alike. Nothing that the older timers don't already know since the mainframe days.

This is a crappy comparison but its a bit like saying you have one single car for every type of terrain - same car for soccer-mom and deer-hunter alike! Sweet!

Everyone is unique if you only count the things that make them different, and people are pretty similar if you look for things that make them alike.

That said, I would say that the overwhelming number of employers and employees alike see these simply as throwaway items. They figure no one will care about such clauses except the lawyers.

Alike in a sentence as an adverb

The variations are many but one thing is certain: not all people think alike on political, religious, or social topics. These are issues that inherently will divide.

There is an absolutely incredible number of smart people in the world, and I can name a whole bunch of students and professors alike who I know for a fact I will never ever ever be as smart as, no matter how hard I try. How sad to hear you say that...

As a hacker who has recently moved to San Francisco, I've continuously battled Apple fanboys and Linux fanatics alike on why I love Windows and absolutely do not understand why people want to switch platforms. Then I watched this keynote.

Unfortunately, this style of interviews is likely ineffective and leads to hiring people who look alike and have similar skills. Solving a problem with someone looking over your shoulder and forcing you to talk to explain what you are thinking is a skill that I've never seen used in the real world.

Emotional content, something Graham appears to see as noise, distorts and enhances in written and spoken form alike. All in all, I find it a bit too convenient that a mediocre speaker and good essayist happens to think writing is simply the better medium.

There was literally a sustained caterwaul by developers and users alike for the ability to create native apps on the platform, so much so that Apple did a complete 180 on their original stance.

The problem author mentions are all legitimate, but only applicable to a certain category of apps - and I think both users and Facebook alike are of the opinion "don't let the door hit your *** on the way out". We're talking about the spammy apps that try to take over your news feed, and that constantly overshare in an attempt at "virality".

But the two situations are nothing alike -- cribbing industrial design elements from defunct products is a far cry from duplicating a trademarked image more or less exactly. It seems more likely you're trying to dig on Apple for going thermonuclear on trade dress while at the same time stealing somebody else's intellectual property.

The beauty of Clerky, as I see it, is that the founders, having worked extensively as superb startup lawyers in their own right, have a keen sense of how all this works and are aiming to develop a service that truly deals with the issues that have burdened clients and lawyers alike. It is a tall challenge but, if anyone can do it, this is the right team, especially working within the innovative framework provided by YC and the startup community.

Alike definitions


having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste"

See also: similar like


equally; "parents and teachers alike demanded reforms"

See also: likewise


in a like manner; "they walk alike"