Airless in a sentence as an adjective

" It's the kind of argument that only makes sense in the airless vacuum of a message board.

That's one of the perils of thinking about startups in the airless vacuum of Hacker News.

Kinetic weapons would work better on an airless planet or for space combat.

I think the main issue is being trapped in an airless tunnel several hundred feet under the middle of the atlantic ocean.

Are you referring to that neat trick they pulled a half dozen times, where they landed a rocket on its tail in an airless environment with 1/6 gravity?

Humans are not "robust adaptive machines" in a space environment -- airless, zero-g, cosmic radiation.

The thing is, though, to cool something in an airless environment you just put up some sunshades and suddenly everything is a ridiculous -100 C or so.

> Keep decision-making securely ensconced in the airless bunker of the executive wing.

I'm also waiting for those airless spoked tires!Mercedes and BMW have their own active suspension systems that are standard in the high-end models, not sure if they look as magic as Bose's.

Yes, I meant airless tires which can actually compete with pneumatic on efficiency and comfort, obviously you could always have a back-breaking full cylinder of rubber.

Naturally, the large airless portions of the surface would be pocked by craters, with enormous scree fields washing center-ward from from many of those craters, as the debris fell back to earth to bounce, slide, and roll "downhill".

Airless definitions


lacking fresh air; "a dusty airless attic"; "the dreadfully close atmosphere"; "hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke"

See also: close stuffy unaired