Airing in a sentence as a noun

It will be on Torrent/usenet sites within 15min of airing.

Tesla previously accused BBC's Top Gear of airing a "phony" review and sued them.

Dirty laundry isn't something you just go around airing because someone sent you a C&D letter.

How certain then are you that the employee you hire isn't going to start airing your dirty laundry at the earliest convenience?Not at all. If I hire someone, I'm making a commitment.

The follow-up airing this weekend sounds more interesting than the original piece, which I didn't even finish.

The details get resolved by the founders, the company, and the investors through private negotiation, not through a public airing.

News of this programming to be aired had been circulating on the net several days prior to the actual airing around various forums and weibo.

There is no system by which I can pay money to watch TV shows as soon as they are done airing in the USA, I either have to wait for the DVDs, hope the show airs here too, or pirate it.

I can't say that that's why he got ****-banned here, but given how he acted elsewhere on the web, it may well be that he was banned over issues more serious than merely airing unpopular opinions.

The smart ones take the huge publicity jump from appearing on the show, turn down any deal offered, and seek money from the inevitable inbound investor generated post-show airing.

In these cases a number of pacification strategies are adopted, like co-opting the proletariat movement with well-spoken placebo change agents who offer strong messages of hope, and have absolutely no intention of following through with them, or discrediting the movement by airing the dirty laundry of those movement leaders who cannot be corrupted or co-opted.

Airing definitions


the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate

See also: dissemination spreading


a short excursion (a walk or ride) in the open air; "he took the dogs for an airing"


the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air

See also: ventilation