Amphora in a sentence as a noun

Greek amphoras for wine or oil, Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums but you know they were made to be used.

I'm expecting one day to learn of a huge undersea amphorae mound offshore.

This is the guy who goes on his third ever scuba dive on the news and brings back museum quality amphorae.

They weren't shipping little 20oz amphoras enmasse, no they were carrying 41 quarts... apparently that's a standard too. Good job Rome.

Roman amphorae found in South India tell us something about long distance trade in the classical world.

This gives gold inherent value, especially in antiquity, put your food/wine in a amphora made of gold and made of pottery and see which expires first.

I once met a guy who swore blind that he and some friends had found a sunken greek galley while scuba-diving, and swagged an amphora or two of drinkable 2000-year-old wine before reporting the find.

A sub-bottom profile scan by Doc Harold Edgerton identified a large non-natural object deep in the sediment, below the place we found the amphora.

The museum I visited had amphorae with amusing graffiti, toys and knickknacks, even a 'pencil cup' with the Etruscan and Greek alphabets written around the top.

Someone on quora said they recently began trying to look again:>"Sir Robert Marx and I are now in the process of reinitiating the research we began in 1983 on this location where we found 3rd century Roman amphora.

We can spend twice as much transport pollution in order to ship our drinks in clay amphoras that weigh almost as much as their contents, as Romans did; and we can carry around flasks from slaughtered animals instead of recycled plastic.

I'm surprised the opening paragraph, while cataloging asserted pre-Columbian transatlantic voyages, didn't mention the Roman ships and amphora found in Brazil.

> then it just doesn't even applyThen you don't seem to have an argument against Hanlon's razor?> Hanlon setting up malice and stupidity as an exclusive or gate, is notIn this case, clearly, the two explanations are incompatible: either Putin planned the world to discover that he was lying about the assassination, etc., etc., or he did not.> brings back museum quality amphoraeThat's a completely different class of lies.

Amphora definitions


an ancient jar with two handles and a narrow neck; used to hold oil or wine