20 example sentences using aerobic.
Aerobic used in a sentence
Aerobic in a sentence as an adjective
Mind you, this was not the slim, aerobic Arnold we know today. This man was pumped up and huge.
I would advice you better go with the actual gym and aerobic exercise. You either need to adhere to things in their true spirit or just do some thing else.
The players run a lot - it's an aerobic and power game combined, which also means there is a role for players of all shapes and sizes. The cost of playing is a ball - no pads required.
I spent three years doing hour long cardio sessions 3-5 days a week, with around 60% of that hour spent in the high end of the aerobic zone. At the end of it I had lost a considerable amount of weight, and I had a resting HR of 38.
Running a 400m is much more about anaerobic endurance than it is about raw speed, even at the olympic level. 40-100m are speed, 400-800m are anaerobic, then the mile and up are aerobic endurance.
You'll probably get some aerobic and anaerobic benefits. However, just as important, if not more important, is diet.
Many sports played on foot involve lots of aerobic running combined with occasional sprinting. Also consider Cliff Young [2] who claimed to have "run for two to three days straight rounding up sheep", presumably as a routine-ish part of his job.
The same study found that aerobic fitness had a far more important impact on longevity than obesity did. Fantastic Voyage, Kurzweil and Grossman, Chapter 22.
After about 20 years, he discovered that one of the strains had evolved the ability to metabolize citrate in an aerobic environment, which e. coli normally can't do.
For example, at my college, if there was a "good health" program I could have easily signed up for, which included aerobic/weight training and meals there's a good chance I would have done it.
Fortunately, most people have a lot of spare lung tissue, so even removal of a whole lobe on one lung does not impair future aerobic exercise. Developing better diagnostic procedures for this illness will not be easy at all, but seems well worth doing.
Commuting usually doesn't involve the intense aerobic activity associated with road racing. The 300 dollar bike you are satisfied with?
With more 'simple' forms of life like bacteria we get it right in that we more often sort by functionality: methane producing, carbon fixing, anaerobic, aerobic, etc.
If I have to hazard giving advice, I'd say to the guy with the shin-pain what my physical therapist told me: build strength with low-impact exercises, maintain aerobic health while you do that via low-impact aerobic swimming/water-running/biking/tennis/climbing/xc-skiing/etc. etc.
Neither heart blood samples, livers, kidneys, nor mesenteric lymph nodes showed aerobic bac- terial or fungal infection. The sixth rat died after 19 days; blood could not be drawn, but the other tissues were har- vested shortly thereafter and were also free of aerobic bacteria and fungi.
Methionine availability is much more like the Warburg Effect [1], an effect where cells mostly perform anaerobic instead of aerobic metabolism. Changing one's diet based on this speculation would be absolute quackery.
Sure, walking alone won't make you gain a lot of muscle or incredibly performant in aerobic exercise, but it's definitely way better than just sitting on your *** all day and driving/shuttling home every day.
For Anaerobic exercise, women are biologically programmed to find certain physical features interesting, develop them. Good self image also helps build self confidence - Find good rolemodels.
Whereas research [4] [5] [6] on weight lifting and short bursts of high intensity have shown that these forms of exercise light up all the fat loss hormones for even days later, and outperform cardio/aerobic exercises. Not only that, but looking at the aerobic exercises from a hormonal standpoint, these types of exercise negatively affect hunger and stress hormones.
Consider that in cycling roughly 95% of your energy comes from your aerobic system and only 5% of your energy comes from your anaerobic system. So does that make your aerobic system more important than your anaerobic system? Yes and no. If you want to win the race then at some point you are going to have to break out of the peloton and sprint past everyone, so really it's going to be the quality of your anaerobic system that determines who wins a large percentage of the time.
Aerobic definitions
depending on free oxygen or air; "aerobic fermentation"
See also: aerophilic aerophilous
based on or using the principles of aerobics; enhancing respiratory and circulatory efficiency; "aerobic dance"; "running is very aerobic"