Caboose in a sentence as a noun

My usual technique of making a "train" of letters to slide and then attach a caboose didn't work.

I know there are a bunch of BaaS providers out there, but I feel the functionality and simplicity of caboose makes it stand out.

The number one caboose to for companies to switch platform from Windows to Linux is the that the employees are reluctant to the switch.

In the 1920's there was a Fireman and Engineer on the front end, and a Conductor and Brakeman on the caboose to check the signals and timetables.

It's a long story, but the short version goes something like this:At first we worked our cabooses off to publish new original content several times per month.

The original article stated that a train wasn't able to start because the caboose's brake was on, so presumably the answer to the second question is yes, at least for that car.

It sounds like this industry is going to end up with one person riding in the equivalent of a caboose to handle the unexpected stuff, or to oversee intermodal activities.

Seeing is believing they say but what did people do years ago when they only ever caught a glimpse from behind a large crowd of their future president talking out the back of a caboose on the literal whistle-stop tour?

Caboose definitions


the area for food preparation on a ship

See also: galley cookhouse


a car on a freight train for use of the train crew; usually the last car on the train