Advertizing in a sentence as a noun

I don't know what route you took to decide that this form of advertizing is "the best" for the user.

They aren't advertizing Timex on the back cover.

> The problem is that the GPL willingly refuses to permit advertizing clauses.

Is there a congent argument about why an advertizing clause is a limitation of freedom?

The horror!Look, shared cultural nostalgia is great, and all, but I'm not sure that makes for a good reason to allow advertizing to kids.

Well, it's more fun than it has any right to be. I fear it's the kind of thing that could collapse under its own weight in that if it were to get too big, everyone would try to use it as advertizing for their products, making it boring.

The reason the GPL is annoying is that free license with an advertizing clause have existed for a very long time and are actually widely used.

Is there a congent argument about why an advertizing clause is a limitation of freedomThe advertising clause is not a limitation on freedom.

Is there a congent argument about why an advertizing clause is a limitation of freedom?The GPL doesn't specifically set out to prevent advertising clauses.

I see a lot of new businesses in advertizing, marketing and finance sectors which are profitable and pay good salaries and yet have never had the need to raise capital from VCs.

The conflict between programmers and business people/politicians is that the latter are not aware of the fact that their contradictions may work absolutely fine in marketing or advertizing but that they will not fly if the field of software.

Google gets 98% their revenue from advertizing, which means they want as much information as possible to target as good as possible so that they can sell you more ****!Just try to give as little information as possible everytime you deal with companies as google.

Furthermore, there is an incentive for web publishers to prioritize paid ads over editorial content, and to censor editorial content that threatens advertizing revenueFirst, while public arts sounds good, it means entertainment.

Advertizing definitions


a public promotion of some product or service

See also: advertisement advertizement advertising advert