Adulation in a sentence as a noun

"If the real world knew the real Mother Teresa there would be a lot less adulation".

Yes, scientists are human, and some of them are flawed, valuing adulation more than anything.

Are SO points from confused corporate employees really worth more than the adulation of the blogosphere?

I much prefer cynicism to the blind adulation of "this tech is amazing and magical".

The nerd adulation comes from the idea that having understanding of computers will be more awesome, not being rich and white.

Don't worry too much about the adulation from others, especially strangers.

> Don't worry too much about the adulation from others, especially strangers.

You cannot compete with the insane people there who are happy to destroy capital and jobs in the pursuit of notoriety, peer adulation and the odd $1bn exit.

In this blind Apple-adulation world we live in, authors will twist facts to prove their point that Apple is genius, despite overwhelming contrary evidence.

"Although in my mind that's more of a criticism of the adulation of the Singularity by its adherents than of the actual Singularity itself.

Yet Linus consistently earns hero praise and adulation, the criticism of his personality being secondary and written off as justified.

Mocking Android fanboys in a forum overwhelmingly dominated by Apple adulation?

Abuse by F-bombing isn't just about professionalism, it's part of a posturing, adulation-seeking personality that aspiring devs and infosec hackers think they have to adopt.

Adulation definitions


servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise