Immunosuppressed in a sentence as an adjective

But I'm guessing you're not immunosuppressed or elderly so it's not a big deal for you.

How do you quantify who is immunosuppressed and who has a well-functioning immune system?

For example, the mice in these experiments were blind, immunosuppressed mice that would not survive in the wild anyway.

This is one round of rodent studies in immunosuppressed mice, for which the abstract only claims "enhanced survival".

It kills the elderly, the immunosuppressed, those with heart disease, any pulmonary issues.

"Some of the mice they removed were delicate mutants and immunosuppressed nude mice, which die very quickly outside controlled environments" Sheesh

Also, Anybody who has received an organ transplant is immunosuppressed.

An infection sounds benign but the eyes are naturally immunosuppressed.

But, yeah, more complicated means more complicated -- different vaccines may be infffective, or require a higher dose, or even be harmful to immunosuppressed people.

By decreasing herd immunity, they're raising the chance that a given disease will become endemic, and that others, particularly the young or immunosuppressed, will catch said disease.

About 10 million people are immunocompromised or immunosuppressed [4].

Immunosuppressed definitions


of persons whose immune response is inadequate