Acquisitive in a sentence as an adjective

And Facebook becoming more acquisitive certainly helps as well.

A lot of it is about telling boys it's ok to be aggressive and acquisitive while telling girls it's better to stay in the background and adopt a supporting role.

US acquirers typically are able to pay higher multiples and are more acquisitive in general.

People addicted to opiates sometimes resort to acquisitive crime or prostitution.

An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career.

Preserving cultural heritage is all very well, but expending a child's language-acquisitive resources on a language which won't connect them to the rest of contemporary humanity seems far too high a price. $3,500 a week the price reduction would have to be huge before any legal drug wouldn't continue to create acquisitive crime to fund itI infer from this statement that you believe that, in the case of legalization, the price would still be high enough to require crime.

This comment is predicated on an assumption that I'm not sure has a foundation in science: that a child's "language-acquisitive resources" are finite in some way, or that a child learning a minority language won't "have room" for other subjects because of it.

... On the basis of the choices made among these four items, it is possible to classify our respondents into value priority groups, ranging from a 'pure' acquisitive type to a 'pure' post-bourgeois type, with several intermediate categories.

A few of the big things that are dampening the startup scene in Japan are as follows:* Weak ecosystem - Very few angels available to fund and support early stage startups, although accelerators are popping up that are starting to fill this gap.* Less exits - Japanese companies tend to be less acquisitive than their western counterparts.

You can respond fully, adequately only if there is no fear in you, only if you don't think as a Hindu, a communist or a capitalist, but as a total human being who is trying to solve this problem; and you cannot solve it unless you yourself are in revolt against the whole thing, against the ambitious acquisitiveness on which society is based.

If I had an english degree, rather than the usual tired excuses, I'd go around telling people:"The study of humanities imbues us with a rich internal, emotional wealth such that graduates do not feel the compulsive need for ultimately harmful acquisitive obsessions throughout their lives, whereas holders of science degrees are condemned by their mechanistic brainwashing to toil furiously for worthless material rewards.

So why do we then move on to assume that, if such a system is attached to something safety critical, that those same people who will attack the computer to get at its data or processing power will now move on to attacking the brakes, or the engine, and try to **** people?Most vehicular crime isn't homicide, it's acquisitive - people will attack vehicle security systems to steal the car, or get access to valuable contents.

There are a few interesting takeaways: - Pain perscriptions as a gateway to more hardcore drug use that destroys life, it doesn't sound like this individual had any "liberty" to make choices once he had become hooked on painkillers- Heroin addictions are incredibly expensive in monetary terms, at $3,500 a week the price reduction would have to be huge before any legal drug wouldn't continue to create acquisitive crime to fund it- Heroin addictions are incredibly expensive in terms of destroyed careers and relationships.

Acquisitive definitions


eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas; "an acquisitive mind"; "an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied"