Acquiring in a sentence as a noun

If Zynga can become a player by launching a hit or acquiring a large chunk of the space, they'll be doing better than ever. But so far, Zynga's mobile releases have flopped.

Do you have trouble acquiring or maintaining an erection? 16.

Some day, I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes a barrier to startups acquiring dedicated new users.

In fact, it might jeopardize a retailer's merchant account if the acquiring bank found out the merchant were running cloned cards! The best way to counter a bulky wallet is to not add bulk in the first place.

But less so for actually acquiring and/or exchanging information.

I really do hope that they progress on the path they started instead of just acquiring mailbox for the talent. I know they said that they would but thats what we heard about Sparrow when they were bought by Google and the results sucked.

The point of the article is about not trusting anything an acquiring company says, because they will say anything in order to get the deal. The other stuff was just some colour.

There is obviously some skill in researching, predicting, working and acquiring land that will soon appreciate in value. But it's not worth nearly that much.

Congratulations to everybody on the selling side in this deal, too bad it had to be Microsoft but with amounts like that there are not too many companies on the acquiring side. Does anyone know if this was stock / cash / a mix?

>the company already has made $45 million off it I know that saying "made" is the generic form for acquiring money through any means. However, it also carries the connotations of production, of creation.

If a larger company believes that acquiring smaller company is attractive and writes a big check then that's what happens. The only determinant I can see is if you want a lifestyle business where you're always the master of your own domain.

They're signing 10-year content deals with exclusivity agreements that simultaneously give them a future catalog to rival Netflix while locking Netflix out of acquiring the same top-quality content. HBO has all its ducks in a row, it's playing the long game.

The next step would be acquiring a scale, to perfect the proportion of coffee and water. A thermometer would then provide insight into the variable of water temperature, which generally is about ten degrees Farenheit below boiling.

That made me think the company was being aggressive in it's pursuit of acquiring/developing cutting-edge manufacturing processes. Plus, I think solar power is a major part of the future and things will be pretty bleak if it can't deliver long-term, but I like to be an optimist, so why not put my money there?

After phonology, another huge task for any language learner is acquiring vocabulary, and this is the task on which most language-learning materials are most focused. But often the focus on vocabulary is not very thoughtful.

Whoever designed this system knows nothing about acquiring talent. The note in the article that in the future the site is going to be augmented with "real world tests" that force the user to design entire sites or otherwise labor for free borders on criminal since they are forcing you to do real work and you're not getting paid for it, in violation of state and federal labor laws.

Acquiring definitions


the act of acquiring something; "I envied his talent for acquiring"; "he's much more interested in the getting than in the giving"

See also: getting