Acidosis in a sentence as a noun

Yet, it is not standard practice to treat or even test for acidosis with my condition.

I'm guessing they'll worry about the acidosis after they get your heart and lungs working again.

Yet it goes largely untreated, in spite of acidosis being a known serious medical problem.

For example, acidosis is a major issue with CF, one largely overlooked by doctors.

One issue that seems likely impacted by acidosis is diabetes.

I imagine some chemo and targeted ***** could interfere with lipid metabolism and there is also a risk of acidosis.

In April 1995, two women who had been drinking the tea daily for 2 months were hospitalized with severe acidosis -- an abnormal increase of acid levels in body fluids.

When diabetics are diagnosed with ketoacidosis, they typically are promptly hospitalized because it can **** you within three days.

Oncology said NFW with zero rationale and endo said a small starter dose with regular monitoring for lactic acidosis due to compromised liver function.

When switching over to grain, acid builds up in the rumen which can lead to acidosis, so we then have to pump the cows full of antacids to keep them placated while we continue to fatten them up for slaughter.

From what I gather, the modern American diet is generally too acid and many of the health issues we have are likely made worse by widespread acidosis, though probably generally milder than what people with CF go through.

I have but in my case it is not caused by continued low carbon diet and should be avoided and is not so nice due all the side effects it has. Everyone who takes any form of diabetic medication should ask their physician about the consequences as it might interfere with the medication or require adjustment and can cause acidosis even if you have normal glucose levels.

There is some literature[1] indicating the body can tolerate such acidosis better in the absence of hypoxemia so the cited idea may have merit as a stopgap measure, but I'm not sure how effective this scheme would be in near or complete absence of ventilation - like the example cited where the little girl's lungs are full of blood.

Acidosis definitions


abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues