Trilby in a sentence as a noun

You just guaranteed that he will grow up to wear a striped trilby, call it a fedora, and say "m'lady". ~ ~...

Reply with a self addressed envelope to receive your free tinfoil trilby.

If this is a Berliner Neanderthal then he must have taken off the trilby and set down his MacBook for the shot.

"I don't believe that it's the trilby antiquated. Pretty much everything bases itself off of this book."

He is the one most likely to wear a trilby, and no wrong choice he has made has ever caused him any personal discomfort.

The fedora/trilby/etc could be better said to have simply never gone completely out of style. It's popularity just seems to ebb and flow like the tide.

And furthermore, the people being called "fedoras" are wearing trilbys. Humphrey Bogart wore a fedora.

Like I remembered the guy had a green trilby hat, and my brain did a Google Image Search for "green trilby" and pasted it on the guy. When I opened my eyes, I saw it was actually a green plaid trilby.

I'm not in a suit, but I'm in a dress shirt, vest, and trilby most every day. I stick out amongst the hoodies and sweatshirts around me, but I've never felt any reaction more malicious than confusion.

They are typically upper-class; some wear a trilby. They prefer alternatives that are personally easy for them, requiring less change in habits or thinking.

The difference between a 'white nationalist' and a 'white supremacist' is as meaningful as the difference between a trilby and a fedora.

Nobody in this reply chain used the term "democracy" as a descriptor, so why is your trilby so tipped? We've got borderline lizard people--sorry, globalist--conspiracy from you elsewhere in the thread, so to be frank I'm not expecting much, but the words are right there for you to read.

Reddit tips its e-fedora, which is actually an e-trilby. Maker community angrily notes that the oldest surviving combination stealth television remote and infrared camera-blinder hat is now nearly 20 years old.

Best comments come from monkeyrun: Just like why google can open source Android, because they are in the business to sell Ads, not OS. and trilby: Not to get soapboxy but is it a good thing that the pillars of innovation in America are companies that run free consumer services in order to sell ad space for products manufactured in China? I'm not one to ignore the global economy but I wonder in this innovation and new economy are really all their cracked up to be or if China really will own the west within 20 years.

Trilby definitions


singer in a novel by George du Maurier who was under the control of the hypnotist Svengali

See also: Trilby


a hat made of felt with a creased crown

See also: fedora homburg Stetson