Gypsy in a sentence as a noun

I'm still a gypsy at heart, but I also care a lot about the real world.

""You're running a gypsy hotel in your living room.

I'm Romanian and when I saw the photo with the young gypsy couple I said to myself: "Hey!

I get it, being an open-source gypsy is quite the ideal lifestyle... until reality sets in.

The issue with this, and I've moved around like a gypsy, is that while traveling, your new friends are either traveling too or you are meeting them where they live.

> What they did not tell you is that gypsy settlements look the same in France, Germany and other industrialized countriesExactly.

The hustle isn’t anything new; anyone who’s lived in what’s termed the inner-city knows about people selling bootleg CDs and DVDs on the street and people offering rides for money--they’re called 'gypsy cabs' in Boston.

I believe Uber simply sub-contracts to independent sedan drivers who have already jumped through all the necessary governmental hoops - it's not a dispatching system for gypsy cabs.

Gypsy definitions


a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment; "itinerant traders"

See also: itinerant gipsy


a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America)

See also: Gypsy Gipsy Romany Rommany Romani Roma Bohemian


the Indic language of the Gypsies

See also: Romany Gypsy