Itinerant in a sentence as a noun

I could easily see those two jobs become 100% itinerant.

I will let all my itinerant web developer friends know about this one....

I'd far prefer to work in a well configured space, vs. itinerant coffeeshops.

If you banged an American girl as an itinerant teacher in 1850, her brothers and her father might have just tracked you down to shoot you.

Itinerant in a sentence as an adjective

I've lived out of cars, or house-to-house, basically as an itinerant for a little while, and it was really depressing.

If you lead even a moderately itinerant lifestyle, this totally blows.

Once upon a time, an itinerant person was the one who idled by reading, rather than working, or enjoying the more "vigorous" pleasures of the hunt, etc.

Itinerant definitions


a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment; "itinerant traders"

See also: gypsy gipsy


traveling from place to place to work; "itinerant labor"; "an itinerant judge"