Goth in a sentence as a noun

It's like if goth kids started slashing their wrists in large numbers.

She was a goth chick - very smart and loved to be odd and controversial.

Or a goth period during their teenager years.

Oh look its another goth chick blogging about Google and whats bad and whatever...

Mail account where I still have love letters sent by my ex-girlfriend and goth poetry I wrote when I was 18.

That's like expecting the goth subculture to result in more eyeliner in congress one day.

I was -- depending on the person harassing me -- the fat kid, the gay kid, the goth kid, or some combination thereof for all of my school years.

" He pulled up the black and red vampire-themed MySpace page of some chubby goth guy and proudly mocked him, saying, "Apple will never allow anyone to do this with any of our products.

I guess you could point out stuff like the Matrix or the recent Batman franchise, but those tend to be the exception not the rule, and to be frank, cater to an almost goth-level of drama and pathos.

There was still a good turnout at goth events in Chicago, but it was mostly adults who liked to dress up on the weekends for old-time's sake, but didn't identify as goths in everyday life anymore.

They registered a domain, added a development forum, wrote an ethereal sounding warning message about the coming 'future', wrapped it in a goth inspired theme, and posted it to the internet.

Goth definitions


a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement

See also: peasant barbarian boor churl Goth tyke tike


one of the Teutonic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the 3rd to 5th centuries

See also: Goth