Confederacy in a sentence as a noun

It's not fair to call the entire profession a confederacy of leeches, as some like to say, but comparing them with arms merchants who sell to both sides in a war is not too unreasonable, I think.

I worked at a place managed by a confederacy of dunces that promoted people I'd never have promoted, but who I realized were people who did not threaten the leaders' authority by being too smart.

The anthology of the top twenty-five sci-fi stories in 1970 was, like, Me and my friend the robot went for a walk on the moon, and in 2008 it was, like, The galaxy is run by a fundamentalist Islamic confederacy, and there are people who are hunting planets and killing them for fun."You know, I think he's on to something there.

Confederacy definitions


the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861

See also: Confederacy South Dixie Dixieland


a union of political organizations

See also: confederation federation


a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose

See also: conspiracy


a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act

See also: conspiracy