Confederation in a sentence as a noun

Nirvana may not be right for you... but confederation has to be the future.

In fact, much of Apple's success is due to the extent to which it functions like a confederation of very well funded startups.

As a visitor, many things made more sense to me when I started seeing India through the lens of a confederation of mini-nations rather than a unified country in the American or European sense.

"All the perplexities, confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.

At its current fairly fuzzy resolution, it's what I'd guess a traditional magazine evolves into when it hits the Internet: a loose confederation of lightly edited writers with their own individual reputations.

The entire walled-garden-curated-experience versus open-standards-loose-confederation-of-providers generates heated discussion only among a small, small sliver of geeks.

Confederation definitions


the state of being allied or confederated

See also: alliance


a union of political organizations

See also: confederacy federation


the act of forming an alliance or confederation

See also: alliance