Zone in a sentence as a noun

If you want your city to be perceived as a war zone, this is the website for you.

Youtube used to be a demilitarized zone in the social wars.

That's then when instances in my other zone takes 100% of the load temporarily.

The only way I can get back into the zone is to work on "zone appropriate" work that is "zone ready".

There is a level of concentration, the "real zone" below it that most development doesn't require.

Any device designed to operate in a war zone is an implicit support of the activity.

Zone in a sentence as a verb

Eva added that "because L'Aquila is in a high-risk zone it is impossible to say with certainty that there will be no large earthquake".

Then, with the Trusted Sites icon still selected, change the security level for this zone to the lowest possible setting.

Sometimes I think I have multiple personality disorder, my personalities are "me in the zone" and "me not in the zone".

At this point, since I've lost an entire zones worth of servers, I have my auto scaling group fire up on demand instances until I can get some more spot requests fulfilled.

If everybody is driving at 65 in the 55 zone, but everybody is safe, the higher purpose of the law is being met, and citations for speeding are just punitive for no gain.

HTP would not have access to modify the zone directly through the registrar and would instead have to hijack the entire domain with a working, completely-transferred zone on their own nameservers.

Zone definitions


a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive features


any of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitude


an area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic


(anatomy) any encircling or beltlike structure

See also: zona


regulate housing in; of certain areas of towns

See also: district


separate or apportion into sections; "partition a room off"

See also: partition