Punitive in a sentence as an adjective

Fines have to be punitive or they will have no effect; it's simple math.

If they do anyway, you can sue them for punitive damages.

They were petty, stupid, and they sure as **** will use GPS tracking as a punitive tool.

Should those plaintiffs pay the banks punitive penalties for bringing suits they lost?

"Wasn't the jury under instructions not to dole out punitive damages?

But, in that case, the damages should include compensatory and punitive damages.

How many billions will they be forced to pay in punitive damages?Will they be banned from making similar claims in the future?

Because stack ranking is inherently punitive, this also makes these employees less mobile.

If you read the email stream, the CEO wanted to withhold the referral bonus as a punitive measure for a work-related mistake.

If everybody is driving at 65 in the 55 zone, but everybody is safe, the higher purpose of the law is being met, and citations for speeding are just punitive for no gain.

Downloading a CD might land you in jail and will saddle you with serious punitive damages, but stealing hundreds of thousands of voice mails while working at a newspaper is apparently OK!

Taking a sentient human being and throwing them in a cage is a profoundly violent act. I find it troubling that you guys so casually reach for it as a punitive tool, particularly when the subject has neither committed physical violence nor poses such a threat to others.

Mistakes like this are their own punishment; additional punitive action serves only to instill fear rather than effect the changes necessary to not repeat the failure.

We have plenty of evidence to show that prisons designed for rehabilitation have lower incidences of recidivism than harsh, punitive ones.

How a more punitive defamation regime in the UK was won on the back not of politicians trying to protect their expenses or some such, but the hacking of a dead teenager's voicemail and various other dirty tricks of the gutter press.

Punitive definitions


inflicting punishment; "punitive justice"; "punitive damages"

See also: punitory