Wrought in a sentence as an adjective

It is a dark place, and much evil can be wrought there.

Not for what they destroyed though they wrought much destruction all over the continent but for what they built.

A report on a fire I had observed as a child was wrought with errors in our local paper's coverage.

Apotheker is taking the pain upfront, and undoing the damage wrought by Fiorina and Hurd over the last decade.

Just think: A life without the damage wrought by modern antibiotics, dentistry, surgery, and preventative medicine!

The software itself is simple enough to work and isn't wrought with rules and requirements, and that let's drivers find their own way to make the most out of the software in ways I'm sure the creators didn't expect.

"The empirical data is in general quite old, most if not all of it predating widespread use of the Internet - which we can safely expect to have wrought major changes in programming practice.

Also considerably interesting was the economy of UO[3], which was wrought with a good deal of experimentation.~~~Also, if you played UO, you'd know that property taxes are a wonderful idea.

I'm more reluctant to trash Kurzweil, but this image hiring policy is taking on the look of some sort of bizarre Victorian menagerie where they keep old famous computer scientists in wrought iron cages for Googlers' amusement.

This smells to me like a hastily conjured rationalization for a series of attention-seeking acts wrought by a small group of disenfranchised industry workers who have something to say, but they're just not articulate enough to voice it so they blow **** up instead.

The real cost of used games is the damage that is being wrought on the creativity and variety of games available to the consumer Yeah, because it's a well known fact that being able to resell your used book has for ages 'damaged the creativity and variety of books available to the consumer'.

I doubt I have to belabor how much life I missed out on because of that...After a lot of soul-searching, and a rather expensive and painfully-wrought epiphany or seven, I realized exactly what I describe above: given who I was at the time, who the other people were, the circumstances we were all in, &c, there simply wasn't another outcome for the situation.

You have to be blind not to see the tremendous productivity and lifestyle improve improvements wrought by technology.--sent from my handheld multi-gigaflop communication device/sensorium/access point to the sum of all human knowledge, which cost less than what most people in my country of residence make in a week and was not available to even the richest billionaires ten years ago.

So, I would posit as a result of insufficient desire to establish simplified abstractions of parallelization, to most programmers, ideas like parallelism remains in the domain of machine learning and condensed solids analysis - A kind of electronic black art, only used by those with sufficient training to know what horrors they may wrought upon the world if they're to make some trivial programming mistake.

Wrought definitions


shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort); "a shaped handgrip"; "the molded steel plates"; "the wrought silver bracelet"

See also: shaped molded