Posit in a sentence as a noun

I'm going to regret this joke, but: I posit the difference lies in how much cache you need.

This is why the fundamental operation in the land of the verbs is composition: do this then do that.

Let's further posit that these art enthusiasts are pretty competent in their field and so 90% of what they post is "worthwhile" in some vague broad sense.

Any idiot can point to a random part of their anatomy and posit that there's a field of study dedicated to it.

" So now we are at the opposite side--the NSA can target your emails and listen to your phone calls, despite the aforementioned clarification they cannot.

In my opinion they are so high that they are counter productive, and I posit that the fact that this article is now at the top of hacker news suggests that many people agree with me on this point.

Posit in a sentence as a verb

This is, coincidentally, one of the main reasons we care about category theory: at its very heart, category theory is the study of composition.

That despite a huge investment of time, energy and ego, the mere whisper of an accusation was sufficient to send him running?If I may posit a more likely scenario: Square hires human beings.

Basically you take proxies for temperature, things like tree rings, coral growth, sediment layer thickness, etc. and you posit a relationship between the proxy measurements and temperature.

I'd posit that the inverse also holds: a system with completely rational participants can still be irrational, if information flow between participants is not organized in a rational way.

" I posit that it's better than not bonding at all, but if you really want to dismiss my friendships and suggest the only way to forge lifetime male bonding is to form an underground anarchist militia and make bombs out of soap, I'll take that under consideration.

Posit definitions


(logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning

See also: postulate


put (something somewhere) firmly; "She posited her hand on his shoulder"; "deposit the suitcase on the bench"; "fix your eyes on this spot"

See also: situate deposit


put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"

See also: submit state


take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom; "He posited three basic laws of nature"

See also: postulate