Winking in a sentence as a noun

The prose in the book is often winking at you as it reveals a principle.

I believe the winking face at the end was to imply some form of sarcasm or joke.

Because randomly winking at people might give them the wrong idea.

I like how the end of that statement contains both a winking crooked-smile smiley next to black-eyed frown smiley.

They are technically uninteresting, and I just can't get into the endless stream of lame jokes and winking at the crowd.

Yes, it seems contrived to me, just like a blog post that the author references, written by himself, where he claims to have forgotten to pay a NYC cab driver because he was used to using Uber in SF. I think the winking thing is likely made up.

"So the Americans are evil to impose Karzai's regime on Afghanistan and maintain it by winking at massive election fraud?

Winking in a sentence as an adjective

There they were, a handful of people wearing Google Glass, now standing next to me at their own urinals, peering their head from side to side, blinking or winking, as they relieved themselves.

Not exactly discreet, anyone wearing the dorky glasses will be automatically labeled dork, and when they start winking at things they want to photograph it will just be super creepy.

>So the Americans are evil to impose Karzai's regime on Afghanistan and maintain it by winking at massive election fraud?That situation is actually much more morally and ethically complex than you seem to imply.

Really an odd way to show you are for differing viewpoints, to inoculate "prospective watchers" by opening the floodgates to a host of disparate subjects that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, all the while winking and nudging that he is a bigot regarding said subjects.

Looking at the metronome video, I found myself thinking, "There's got to be something deep there".It'd be really cool if the metronomes turned out to be a model of the quantum vacuum, and the patterns running though the array of oscillators turned out to be virtual particles winking into and out of existence.

"No, I really don't have any interest in getting to know you as you're not my type" is a total negative, but a regular "Sorry no" with a smirk or small smile, is generally females being hard to get. Besides, I really think that "A NO is not really a NO" in HN is most probably not a Julian Assange type of rethoric, but a "I'm gonna try to win the girl over unless she really tells me she's not interested, even if she said NO before while at the same time licking her lips seductively and winking over 9000 times at me...".

Winking definitions


a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly

See also: blink blinking wink nictitation nictation


closing the eyes intermittently and rapidly; "he stood blinking in the bright sunlight"

See also: blinking