Wield in a sentence as a verb

People fear magic they don't understand, and distrust those who wield that magic.

Please give us the clarity of mind to wield this great new power with discretion and aplomb.

The efficacy of those at the top to wield their power would have been far less without propaganda.

" It shows that even from the beginning they realized they were going to wield terrible power, and they were a bit honest with that fact.

Corporations don't need to corrupt the political system to wield power.

Ex politicians wield political and corporate influence and a board seat is a way of renting that influence.

Selective enforcement is the real power government and police wield over the common person.

I believe giving kids freedom, and the opportunity to wield it, is what turns them into responsible adults.

Seriously, my biggest impression playing the game was "Man, I hope to **** I never have to wield a rifle for my country, because that life is short.

Meaning, much of the reason why google has been good for the web has been due to specific choices that google leadership has made and the ways that google has chosen to wield its power.

Horrific incompetence that ruins people's lives is with us today, at scale, and the problems grow with the power, money and technology given to those that wield them.

", my first question then is "Great, I've got your support in making this an open standard so I can count on you to wield your position influence to aid me when folks line up against that effort, right?

By giving money directly to those impacted, the poor are empowered to save and concentrate their unconditional small wealth into larger pools and wield power of a sort.

Certainly they wield more influence per capita, but they still need critical mass to form a stable community around an open source platform in order to compete with large organizations.

>It's hard to imagine that any rape joke would be allowed to fly in our classrooms where students can hardly wield pencils anymore,Zero tolerance tends to create situations in which schools/teachers/administrators do nothing since they don't want to get someone expelled.

You cannot wield the kind of economic power Google does and not be evil, at least for the working definition many people have of "evil".We've put a huge hunk of our intellectual and economic capital under the control of a marketing company.

Well, if reddit is a fun party with alcohol, humor, entertainment, and cat pictures, along with the occasional smart person to learn from, then Quora is like hanging out with a group of bitter, pretentious intellectuals who wield their answers like weapons, at a party with no alcohol allowed.

Wield definitions


have and exercise; "wield power and authority"

See also: exert maintain


handle effectively; "The burglar wielded an axe"; "The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well"

See also: handle manage