Selective in a sentence as an adjective

Use selective sync with the primary client to only sync a portion of your Dropbox.

They exist, but they're not common, and they're probably extremely selective in the Bay Area.

An enormous number of words just to say, "Health Insurance is anti-selective.

As a male who manages both men and women, I think the author is guilty of selective perception and unfounded bias.

I don't think people realize how incredibly selective and incomplete the view of the world through the lens of the global news media is.

The problem with your post is exactly why selective prosecution is the very embodiment of an oppressive regime.

I set my Facebook privacy settings to 100% public, zero private stuff, because I don't like the state of what seems to be a selective illusion of privacy.

Notability is an extremely vague standard, a perfect recipe for abuse and selective enforcement.

Enforcement is currently aimed at users consuming the most bandwidth, but I'd rather not have to hope that the selective enforcement doesn't apply to my rule violations.

A little OT from the actual content, but I have to say, this is an excellent example of web storytelling format, much more illuminating than the usual journalistic method of "here's some selective quotes, if you want more, here's a dump of emails for you to read in Acrobat Reader.

Selective definitions


tending to select; characterized by careful choice; "an exceptionally quick and selective reader"- John Mason Brown


characterized by very careful or fastidious selection; "the school was very selective in its admissions"