Efficacy in a sentence as a noun

They don't want false positives but they cannot measure efficacy.

The efficacy of those at the top to wield their power would have been far less without propaganda.

For a company that hires the best engineering talent, they either hire substandard HR people, or perhaps most HR people just operate at a different level of efficacy.

Where the operation of compiling might fail, I would contrive scripts, functions, routines, and other parameter driven processes of marvellous efficacy and not in common use.

There may be places out there to find reliable information on the efficacy and safety of prescription medication taken off-label, but a guest post from a seller of them certainly is not one.

In this case pointing out the lack of controlled randomized trials of parachutes, and how this would affect the evaluation of the efficacy of parachutes as a life-saving medical intervention.

There are youtube videos attesting to its efficacy on the femoral arteries of swine, however these videos ignore the effect wind has upon the powder in a combat setting, and the exothermic reaction that takes place to create the plug.

\n\n -- Phase 0 = seek to determine if the drug \n is doing biochemically what it is expected \n to do based on preclinical studies, usually \n by taking a biopsy and doing chemical tests.\n \n -- Phase 1 "are designed to determine two things: \n dose and dose-limiting side effects" ... \n not efficacy of the drug.\n\n - all 5 were treated differently and in \n combination with other treatments.

Efficacy definitions


capacity or power to produce a desired effect; "concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine"

See also: efficaciousness