Wideness in a sentence as a noun

It's not the wideness of Apple's market share that is in question, it is the depth of the control.

But we could imagine some learning algorithm that exploit more depth than wideness.

I don't think that the particular cause of death has a dramatic impact on the wideness of the reach of the effect.

That's a centuries old question that will probably not be settled in this forum, but a good approach is the wideness of its adoption among the population.

And how do you measure the wideness of respect?Well, if it is completely private institution then it might be fine but if they use government money such subjective ratings are a good opportunity for corruption.

Furthermore the willingness to spend time on taking care of your body as well as your company indicates a wideness of perspective that definitely helps in determining the long-term direction of the company.

Was slavery caused by the thickness of black people's lips, or the wideness of their noses?I tried to keep away from this thread, but since my puzzled comment in lieu of a downvote was itself being furiously downvoted, I thought it might be important to tell you that your comment is controversial, yet supported by your average HN reader.

Wideness definitions


the property of being wide; having great width

See also: broadness


unusual largeness in size or extent or number

See also: enormousness grandness greatness immenseness immensity sizeableness vastness