Institution in a sentence as a noun

I'm not trying to be hyperbolic but that's really shocking for a company that is trying to play a role as a financial institution.

"The institution of science is undergoing a catastrophic decline.

That was when the first institutions started, modeled after the oldest institution of all, the Roman Catholic Church.

Its very easy to criticize any modern institution on the grounds of, "Our H. Erectus ancestors didn't do it, so it must be unnatural.

They let so many people get away with copy-paste assignments, and they call themselves a postsecondary institution?

The Saylor Foundation is not an accredited institution and therefore cannot confer degrees.

For society to function well, he wrote, there have to be basic levels of trust and cooperation, a respect for institutions and deference to common procedures.

When a chargeback occurs - as clearly stated in Square's initial email - "The respective financial institution notifies Square and debits the funds from Square.

While the Times serves as an inspiration for news organizations everywhere, it is less useful as a model or bellwether for other institutions.

Legitimate banks don't get hacked because there are billions of dollars at stake for the banking institution, and their business literally depends on their ability to secure payments.

"Motivation of this sort, once it catches hold, is a ferocious force, and in the gradeless, degreeless institution where our student would find himself, he wouldn't stop with rote engineering information.

Truglia says that when he put out the commentary, one Canadian from a very large financial institution in Canada called me up on the telephone screaming at me, literally screaming at me.

Gone are the days when "institutions", "common procedures" and "cooperative managerial work", for example, were universally agreed to be valuable things in themselves.

The issue I have with his story is when he says "When I was 18, at Berklee College of Music" he's basically saying "When I was 18, at [the MIT/Harvard/CMU/Stanford of Music]" - that is, just being at that institution gave him the opportunity to meet a BMI executive.

" Rather than snark about how the phenomenon is bosses is somehow unnatural and antithetical to human existence, why don't we work on creating institutions that preserve the advantages of having a boss while ameliorating the disadvantages?

People couldn't even understand the concept of an institution: they knew there was a guy named John and a guy named Paul, but what the **** is a group of people that has an identity of its own, and lasts more than its members?Anyway, modern capitalism required institutions, most important among which were banks and insurers.

Institution definitions


an organization founded and united for a specific purpose

See also: establishment


an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated


a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society; "the institution of marriage"; "the institution of slavery"; "he had become an institution in the theater"


the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"

See also: initiation founding foundation origination creation innovation introduction instauration


a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person

See also: asylum