Enormousness in a sentence as a noun

That's not what he's saying; he's saying that "enormity" isn't a synonym for "enormousness".

It used to be strictly "horrible," conveying a sense of wickedness, and to use it as a synonym for "enormousness" was glaringly wrong.

" before I realized the writer'd meant enormousness —which is still not a great choice for that sentence, but at least doesn't mean something else entirely from what was intended.

Little tip for any budding writers: Whenever you feel the urge to use the word "enormity", use enormousness or magnitude instead.

I'm only talking about the enormousness of having two extra hours poured back into your day and the additional freedom to work when/where you're most productive]

Typically the cooking surfaces in a commercial kitchen are installed under an absolutely enormousness hood that sucks a lot of air.

Even traditionally in-demand jobs like nurses and truck drivers have tightened up. Michigan has passed a good film incentive package but the jobs films generate tend to be temporary and the volume of films shooting in the state would have to be enormousness to make a big difference.

Some hold that enormousness is the correct word in that sense and that enormity can only mean outrageousness or atrociousness: The enormity of his offenses appalled the public.

> The enormousness of the developer base for Windows and Java is such that many developers feel that those environments are normal, and anything different is by nature inferior simply because its unfamiliar.

Enormousness definitions


unusual largeness in size or extent or number

See also: grandness greatness immenseness immensity sizeableness vastness wideness