Whiny in a sentence as an adjective

You chose to write a whiny blog post rather than take the machine in. That's your fault.

You're just a whiny engineer. Once their deadline is gone, see who calls first.

But yeah probably a bunch of whiny girls amirite lol

I don't know if this comes off as whiny to me, but I get what you're saying. There is a sort of defensiveness to posts like this.

I'm rooting for the company, but I do hate these kinds of whiny posts. Tesla is better than this, I hope.

I'm just balking at the whiny and entitled tone of the original post." How dare they ask me to pay for the things I want!"

You can't do this with a bunch of whiny citizens blubbering about their rights. My country is really pissing me off right now.

I re-read my post and I realize I do sound like a whiny ******* for not getting feature requests for a $5 app. Good perspective.

I don't really have much to add here except that I was afraid the article, which I dashed off as all that stuff was happening, would come off as whiny. Hope that isn't the case.

This isn't a whiny post. This is exactly how companies should use social media to weed out these parasitic lawyers.

Until that stops happening you will keep seeing these, and making a whiny site about it certainly won't do anything to help.

As a designer, these pieces come off to me as whiny. I have a difficult time picturing why a designer would sit there angry at a company for crowdsourcing a design.

This seems like an awfully whiny and egocentric opinion. Look, the world wont end if sometimes those symbols cannot be displayed.

I'm getting sick of these whiny stupid articles popping up on the front page, like there is a decline of logic in the site votership itself. The amazon tantrum yesterday and now this eesh

You might be completely right, but if you start talking about this during an interview, you come across as an antisocial, whiny, needy child. If these problems were so upsetting, why did you stay so long?

Being liked but not respected turns you into one of those whiny "but I'm such a nice guy" types, so it's the worst of all outcomes. Being liked and respected is what you want, but to get that, you have to accept the fact that some people will ignore or dislike you.

Bits like those just scream "I'm a vicitim" and come off as whiny. If Greenspan laid out the timeline and the documentation sans his editorializing it would be more powerful.

Also, listen especially to the programming episodes where he tries to argue against Siracusa but instead sounds like a whiny brat. edit: Keep on down voting people.

Great, another whiny article about the poor, maligned girls doomed to a future of breast enhancement and cellulite cream thanks to misogny. The article is a troll, here to elicit an emotional response that will sell a book.

On the other hand, there's nothing that's not funny about seeing a hardcore libertarian find whiny refuge in the clichés of Communism: > Being a part of this movement might be the most defining thing you do with your entire life. Don’t trade that for greed, comrades.

I enjoy these 'whiny, sensationalist drivel' because as a coFounder of a noob startup I don't hear enough of failed/failing startups. Instead all I hear is 'chest pounding howls' on why it's so cool to do a startup, seek VCs, join an incubator and make a killer exit.

Seriously, I can understand that losing a service like google reader might be very impractical or disappointing but the amount of melodrama that is being shed is amazing, and to be quite frank some people are being quite whiny and entitled. Is the closing of Reader ideal?

The constant whiny poo-pooing that "they won't really get that much," and cheeky linking to blog posts intended to inform the uninformed masses about the federal sentencing guidelines, is nothing more than noise. It truly intends to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a whiny blog post to write and I will also be embarrassing myself on Twitter via a series of self-entitled rants showing to the world how insecure I am.

Moonves comes across as a whiny, powerless loser in the quotes in this article. Any time you hear powerful people in a position of strength throwing a tantrum over interference with their revenue streams by small-time players with a tiny audience, you can bet it'll be in your best interest to favor the little guy.

Whiny definitions


habitually complaining; "a whiny child"

See also: fretful querulous whiney