Querulous in a sentence as an adjective

Thanks also for pointing out the word querulous! I don't think that the first tree that Treegle generates is so great. You have to click querulous a few times to get better trees.

It seems strange to me that you're so concerned with how we should try to be more respectful to Rich given the querulous and disdainful tone of his post.

Because of that, you come across as querulous. As an aside, I think that there are much more important factors to consider in regard to clarity and readability.

This sort of querulous point-sniping mainly persuades me that the criticisms are entirely valid. So if you're looking to make people think that the Benchmarks Game has some real-world utility, you might want to try a different approach.

Although I'm satisfied with the choice I made for what to put in my essay, I want to thank you for pointing out the gaps between my essay and the real world, and for doing so in a forceful way without crossing into being querulous. This kind of discourse is, IMO, an example of Hacker News at its finest.

I've always thought that the most querulous position the ATF has taken was on FFL closure. If an FFL closes up shop for any reason, they must ship all their records to the ATF. I don't have any personal insight into what happens to them after that, but it seems like at least a sparse, time-delayed registry could be built from those records...

>My point was that equating quarantines with totalitarianism is the kind of superficial and querulous comparison that a child might make about timeouts. My point is that it's generally accepted that children have less rights than adults.

My point was that equating quarantines with totalitarianism is the kind of superficial and querulous comparison that a child might make about timeouts.

I posted the whole draft to my Facebook in chunks, and this improved it amazingly, because my friends, like yours, are querulous nerds, and my goodness a querulous nerd given permission to be as querulous as they like, well. But I'm 50, and I've spent a few decades accumulating hundreds of contacts who are smart people who are experts in things that I'm not.

- Strong and resolute mobilisation against "unnaturally" divisive parties and querulous organised interest groups that want to destroy "us". - Varoufakis cast himself as representatives of the comman person, of an betrayed and neglected Greek public.

If there is one thing which can be learned from history it is that **** sapiens is a querulous and aggressive species which is more than eager to use might to force its will on others, whether they be other humans or other species. As to whether a given group, tribe, people or nation ends up in the history books as conquerors or conquered depends amongst others on where those moral discussions took them.

At my current job I mentioned my surprise that no one from marketing was embedded with our dev team and got a querulous response that “why would we someone from advertising or PR in our dev process?” My response was that marketing encompasses both designing and selling products that meet customer needs.

Querulous definitions


habitually complaining; "a whiny child"

See also: fretful whiney whiny